Monday, March 19, 2007

Take A Swim In A Chocolate Fountain

When it comes to enjoying the luxury of chocolate, could there be anything more decadent that a chocolate fountain? Rivers of smooth and creamy chocolate plunging over the sides of a fountain, tantalizing us with its rich aroma and velvety color. It’s the stuff of dreams - a chocolate fantasy of which Willy Wonka himself would be proud.

But while a chocolate fountain seems like it would be too good to be true, it is in fact real. Used for special occasions such as parties or weddings, the most common chocolate fountain is a tabletop device that keeps chocolate at a high enough temperature to keep it liquid. While some models will actually melt the chocolate for you, others require you to melt and add the chocolate yourself.

The chocolate fountain can be found in number of locations. Party rental stores will rent the fountain for your use and in some cases will assemble the fountain, operate it during your event, and disassemble it afterwards for a nominal fee. Other, smaller tabletop versions can simply be picked up at the rental site. Some require an electricity source and others are battery-operated. Regardless of the power source they all come in a variety of sizes and colors sure to fit your theme and budget.

If you plan to use the chocolate fountain at a number of different events, it may be worth the price to purchase one outright. An affordable and easy to operate chocolate fountain can be yours with just a little bit of research. Check out party supply stores for their best prices or clearance items. Or go online to compare prices and sizes of different models. For the party planners among us, the addition of a chocolate fountain can make our parties the popular place to be with this simple addition.

While some use a chocolate fountain as simply a decorative item, most will use it conjunction with bite sized fruit or pretzels that guests can dip into the fountain. Instant chocolate covered strawberries, or white chocolate covered pretzels will surely be a hit.

Sex, Chocolate And Your Best Friend?

Chocolate drinking, has since earliest times been attributed with the ability to increase human libido and prowess. Many have claimed it possesses sexual and medicinal properties. Chocolate is definitely considered by many to be an aphrodisiac.

It is statistically true that men tend to give women chocolate, however, whether it is for the supposed love properties is an interesting point of conjecture. According to many women (I personally believe them) it is much more romantic to receive flowers instead. Chocolates are an added bonus in these situations.

In Aztec culture Montezuma is reported to have drunk an average 50 goblets of cocoa a day. This was to increase his prowess in lovemaking. 50 cups is not really my cup of tea. Nevertheless, it has long been revered as a food of love.

Chocolate’s Medicinal Properties:

Many claims have been made about Cocoa’s beneficial medicinal properties, as well as various side effects for those who indulge in eating and drinking of chocolate.

This is not really surprising, we are after all discovering more about out own bodies, and the link between our mood and the foods we eat. What’s not so clear, are the actual effects consuming chocolate might (or might not) have on us.

The cocoa bean (Theobroma cacao) gives us the substance Theobromine. This is known to variously affect those who eat or drink chocolates.


  Theobromine is one of the active ingredients in cocoa and chocolate alike. It affects several of the major systems of the body:   The ‘central nervous system’. (The brain and it’s components)   The ‘cardiovascular system’. (The heart and lungs, which is one of the areas scientist now believe is beneficially helped by cocoa.) A current area for debate is the use of chocolate-based medicines in the treatments of coughs.   Theobromine is also said to cause raised blood pressure, as well as inducing vomiting.

Whatever the claims and counter claims of chocolate’s promoters and detractors, it is abundantly clear we in the people like chocolate. In Northern Europe individuals consume approx. 15 – 22 lbs of it per annum. Americans consume somewhat less.

Strangely, one of the ancient treatments for emaciation (weight loss) was to drink chocolate. It certainly helps many round the world to do just that.

I can personally testify that I put weight on if I eat large amounts of the stuff. The reason may be that we corrupt the bean with so much fat and sugar that add caloric value, rather than the properties of the beans themselves.

Fantastic Gourmet Chocolates Delivered to your Home

You and Chocolate:

Most sensible people are not concerned about their consumption of chocolate, considering them a luxury. They are usually given by an admirer, or purchased in an impulse to cheer us up after a gruelling day at the office.

Whatever our reasons, we like chocolate’s comforting power. Gourmet chocolates are fantastic, as are Swiss, Belgian, Thornton’s (my personal favourites) and Hershey’s chocolate.

There are increasingly more and more Internet sites, where you can browse the aisles of online Chocolate Malls, in a quest for 24/7 never ending chocolate heaven.

So, as you sit at home, indulging in your latest purchase a word of warning: If you have a dog or other pet.

Don’t Ever Feed Them Chocolate!

Let me repeat that!

Don’t Ever Feed Them Chocolate!

There are two extremely compelling reasons for this:

a. Theobromine is toxic for animals and can cause serious problems for them. b. If you share your favourite chocolates: THERE’S LESS FOR YOU!

Visit our blogs for further help and free recipes:

The Chocolate Mall Free Recipes & The Mystery Chocolatier Free Recipes